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Friday, February 1, 2008

I Am A Writer

How I Started Writing?

I attended the Precious workshop but after the workshop, I didn’t concentrate on writing. I was busy in other things. When I wrote my first book, it was out of desperation and vengeance. I resigned from my eight-to-five work and wanted to prove to some people that they are other ways of earning and they are not the only company in this side of the world. I wanted to prove to few people that they can never put me down.

My first book was a disaster. The result was “for revision” but the three-page comment simply meant that it was as good as “reject”. I wrote another. It was for revision again but she told me I made a lot of improvements. My third book was finally approved in the first reading. That was Just Mine.

After my book Just Mine, I felt a little confidence that I can really write. I wrote Sometimes You Just Know, which eventually became a series, my very first series. It was not intended to become a series but having a series that time was a fad and I thought of giving it a try.

But writing was never easy.

For me, it is a work that I really need to exert lots of effort. And that was the time that I was still studying to earn a college degree while I was also working in another eight-to-five job. I had a little time for writing but it was also the time that I feel my “calling” in writing was so strong. So no matter how much little time left for me, I found time to sit down and touch my typewriter. Oh, yes, computer was only for rich people during that time.

Three manuscripts and alas, I able to save bucks to buy my very first, 386 PC. I quit my job in the office and made my writing support my last year in college.

After graduation, I was told to find a job related to my course. But I prefered to write. So I didn’t even take a glance on the ads paper but did long hours of sitting down and jumbling letters in the keyboard to produce manuscripts.

After a year of doing nothing but writing, I decided to give it a try. Applying in an office job, I mean. But it made me so bored that while I was waiting for my turn to be interviewed, my mind was wandering on what plot I was going to write the next minute I get back on my computer.

So I wrote again. Summer is the best time for me. Rainy days makes me so lazy that all I wanna do is sit down and read.

Ideas came from anything and everything. It could come from eavesdropping, hehe! Or from watching a movie or reading another book. Sometimes, even a one line from someone I was talking with could give me an idea on what to write.

But mental block also hits me, from time to time.

This time, yes, I’m into mental block.

For the meantime, through this blog, I share with you bits and pieces of every manuscript I wrote.

Blogging, let’s rock and roll!