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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ilocos Trip 2008: Cape Bojeador

Our first stop was at the Cape Bojeador Lighthouse.

Mica and Lola Pining

This was my second time to be in this place. And I was very excited because the first time I was there, we just pose for some souvenir pictures at the view deck and that wa sit. This time we got the chance to come inside and even took the stairs to reach the top of the lighthouse.

Yzel and Ty, my sis Mela (in blue), Mica and Lola
if you could see that gorgeous man in red, he's Jordan :)

Yzel was very afraid. She stopped in the middle of the stairs and caught her breath. Jordan took Mica in his arms and continued to go up. Tyrone was the very first in line, excited like a little boy to find out what's on top.

I was giggling. My tummy was shaking becuase my cellulite has to work out involuntarily. He-he. I could not allow myself to miss the chance of seeing everything below while I was on top. And sorry, pardon my precious cellulites, I took flight and never stopped until I reached the peak.

the breathtaking view from the lighthouse. too bad, my lens got some dirt. :(

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They padlock it already kasi some visitor vandalized the place, tootoo sad.
But the government is restoring it now.